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As Congressional leaders try to hammer out a roughly $900 billion coronavirus relief bill, Sen. Mark Online Cigarettes Store USA  Warner (D., Virg. ) told Yahoo Finance he expects to see an agreement before the end of the week.

Lawmakers need to pass a funding bill by the end of the week to avoid a government shutdown, and the hope has been to add relief measures to that package. While details of the potential deal haven't been released yet, lawmakers say it won't include state and local aid or liability protections – the two sticking points that have plagued negotiators for most of 2020.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N. Y. ) said the bipartisan plan released earlier this week was the basis of the leadership's negotiations.

"We got very frustrated – the bipartisan group – that we have been basically sitting for months, doing nothing, "Newport Pleasure  said Warner. "I think we broke the logjam. "Unlike the bipartisan bill, the new proposal is expected to include a round of stimulus checks in the $600-$700 range, according to Sen. John Thune (R., S. D. ).

Warner, who helped craft the bipartisan plan, told Yahoo Finance Live the bipartisan group was not opposed to direct payments, but unemployment benefits took priority.

"If in some imaginary world we could've added checks on top, without taking away the targeted relief to those most in need, I'd be all for that, " said Warner.

While he expects to support the latest deal, he would be disappointed if including stimulus checks meant less money for Newport 100s Box enhanced unemployment benefits.

"I don't think there's very much progressive about the idea that if we're going to try to give checks to people – who've had no economic harm – if you're taking it out of the hide of people that, frankly, are unemployed or you're taking it away from food banks, you're taking it away from mental health assistance, said Warner. "I don't think that's progressive at all. ".

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